Contact us

Registered Office

Bengal Tea & Fabrics Limited 
Century Towers, 4th Floor 
45, Shakespeare Sarani 
Kolkata -700 017 
West Bengal, India 
Telefax Nos. +91-33 – 22836416-17 (2 Lines) 

The Company has shifted its Registered Office from 5th Floor, 9, Biplabi Trailokya Maharaj Sarani (Formerly Brabourne Road), Kolkata 700 001 with effect from 06.09.2003 to the above address.

Ananda Group of Tea Estates 
(Ananda, Pathalipam and Bordeobam)

The Estates of the Company are situated in Upper Assam about 35 Kilometers from North Lakhimpur Town and about 240 Kilometers from Tezpur. 
Ananda Tea Estate 
P.O. Pathalipam – 787 056 
North Lakhimpur 
Assam, India 

Mobile No: 09435183877

Contact details of Nodal Officer:
Details of Nodal Officer for the 
co-ordination purpose with IEPF Authority:
Name:  Mrs. Sunita Shah
Designation:  Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Postal Address:  Century Towers, 4th Floor,  45, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700 017
Contact details:  033 – 22836416
E-mail id: